Who we are

Reschke Remodeling is committed to ensuring every project is a testament to our superior craftsmanship. We are a family-run business, and you have our unwavering commitment to quality. Our tagline is Reschke Remodeling — Done Right.

  • Our Attention to Detail is experienced in every service element. Our work is meticulously crafted, from the smallest trim to the largest structural component.

  • We use high-quality, durable materials that guarantee both longevity and visual appeal.

  • Our services are defined by superior craftsmanship and consistent communication from our team.

  • We respond promptly to our clients and have a proven track record of successfully managing complex projects and demanding schedules.

  • Our designs are tailored to meet each client's unique needs and preferences.

  • Our time-honored skills are combined with modern techniques and tools. These are essential for achieving superior results and reflect the heritage and skills of our artisans.

  • We believe our expertise and experience will be what others will see in our work.

  • Client Testimonials: “Brendan and his team were fantastic! I consider myself a demanding client with an eye for the details; Brendan and his team saw things only a true Craftsman sees. These small, important things are what will make or break a design. He is thoughtful and flexible and an excellent communicator.”

We are committed to making your remodel your dream home.Our dedicated team is here to make every step smooth and easy, offering personalized service and expert craftsmanship.

Reschke Remodeling — Done Right.

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